Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Haters gonna hate

About a week ago a disgruntled former client had some words to say about my work. I tattooed his wife (god only knows how long ago) and apparently she was unhappy with the work. Instead of saying something at the time, or even coming back after the tattoo healed for a free touch up, she went to another artist and paid full price to get the tattoo "fixed". From what I understand, all it needed was minor work on some fallen out color and a thin outline. Pretty basic and routine thing. Touch ups are going to be needed, thats why they are free. Even the greatest tattoo artists need to touch up their work from time to time and there is absolutely no shame in that what so ever. However as the story goes, however long it has been since I tattooed the girl, could be months, could be years for all I remember, her husband decides to comment on a photo of a tattoo I posted and not only critique it, but say things like "you'll get there one day". Not only is he not a tattoo artist, but not even an artist or craftsman, he also has no idea that "getting there" is not something I need to be worrying about these days. And any one who has been waiting for their appointment to get tattooed by me for the past few months can agree with me. Someone who is doing "test ink" wont have a 3 month waiting list, be listed as featured artists at conventions around the country, be put in magazines, have interviews, and last but not least be sponsored by the best ink company in the industry who also asked me to do a video talking about their product. I have still have a long ways to go and am by no means perfect or the best. There are so many great artists out there who blow my work out of the water and I still have plenty of learning to do from them. Those are the guys I will gladly take a harsh critique from. Not some nobody who has no idea what he's talking about and has no place to saying anything. All of this brings me to another point. Recently a friend of mine has had a hater do much worse than what my hater did to me. Another tattooer posted a lengthy rant about Travis Brown's work ethic and approach to tattooing. I've been following Travis' work for a while and he is nothing but a spectacular artist and craftsman. He's constantly traveling, doing new things and meeting new people to better himself. Kelly Miller, a Salt Lake City native, had a sour reaction when Travis won tattoo of the day at a SLC convention. Miller went on facebook to talk about how Travis isn't an artist because his award winning tattoo was stenciled on instead of freehanded with markers directly on the skin, along with other nonsense that couldnt be farther from the truth. I dont know Kelly Miller or his work other than the few things I saw on Facebook and my opinion is nothing other than Kelly Miller is a jealous tattooer because he's much older, probably has been tattooing as long as Travis has been alive, and Travis' work is more appealing and better. His work is cleaner, bolder, smoother and over all kick ass-ier. Travis if you are reading this, I love you and your work. I'm proud to say I know you and always look forward to seeing you amongst our travels. If you want to read Kelly Miller's rant, you can see if here


  1. Oh yeah. I've run into other Facebook rants by Kelly Miller, he's a hater who thinks conventions are killing the industry and are ways for people to scope out new towns to open shops in (and he's afraid of the competition). Jared Preslar has has some epic Facebook run-ins with this guy :)

  2. Dude needs to spend less time ranting and more time trying to be a better artist
